The Expanse of My Heart

I courageously take a step into the expanse of my heart. There is so much to explore. I see a series of mountains and valleys, varying in height and depth. I look up and notice the sky. The sun is bright, and the color of the clouds varies from the brightest white to the darkest…

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Surviving the Sea

“Curiosity killed the cat” is an aphorism that warns us to stay safe at home. It suggests it is dangerous to dream, wander, and explore. All exploration is a call to enter mystery that may intrigue but also harm. We know the greatest mystery is the thin realm that divides what can be seen from what is unseen. Romans…

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You are Worth More

In the Near East, a person suffered total degradation when slapped by someone’s left hand, the hand that no Hebrew would use to touch another because it was the hand for wiping at the toilet.

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Journey to becoming me….

Today has been long and slow-moving.  I’m confined to being stationary so what’s mostly busy about me today is my mind. 

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