B’s Thanksgiving Playlist 2014

November’s themes are listed as: nostalgia, longing, grief, gratitude, family, loss, letting go, shedding, and “both/and”. Yes. It was almost as if they were written as the meta-tags of my life this year. A year full of moments, and scenes that begged me to choose gratitude in the midst of the chaos. Gratitude that would be impossible, if it wasn’t for the love and presence of my Abba father every moment of every day.

It is a well known truth that gratitude breeds joy. Joy in the midst of stress, debt, loss, pain, and even death. Gratitude. Giving thanks. Thanksgiving can always be found. Always.

There are many songs of thanksgiving. Songs that simply say thank you. Others, like Adam Sandler’s “The Thanksgiving Song” that invite us to laugh as he sings about turkey and a traditional thanksgiving. Then, there are the songs that may not carry the words thanks, gratitude, or thanksgiving but they are your songs of gratitude because they sing the words that are deep within your soul. These are the songs I have chosen to be part of the soundtrack of my life and especially resonate with me this season. Songs that remind me that the invitation is to come just as I am and that God is good to me even when my emotions tell me differently. Songs that remind me that He is everything I need, that He has me, and that He will always remain. It is well with my soul and my cup overflows for all that He has done. It’s a new day and I am seeing life is an ordinary miracle as I realize that His design is grander than anything I could control, I am free to offer up hallelujahs of thanksgiving.

Giving thanks can be individual or in community. I hope you enjoy this playlist of mine and that you will sit for a while and create the list of gratitude that reflects your heart this Thanksgiving.

Bethany Cabell is a Texas transplant, residing in Michigan with her husband and their two young boys.  A lover of beauty, she lives life chasing after wide-open spaces: sharing her heart with others, in relationship with Jesus, and through music and photography. She tells her story here.
