Join Me

Truth, I had started a post and my husband came in and I said, “Hey listen to what I have so far for my post.” I proceeded to read my first three paragraphs to which he said, “What are you hoping for with this, I mean you’re going to blow it up with that post.”

What came next was an intense exchange where my enneagram 8 style of communication, commanding and direct squared off with Mark’s style which is all about best practices and the ‘right’ way to think about things. Did I mention the exchange was intense.

It is not easy being married to me. So, I am grateful for this man who has the strength and willingness to spar with me, act as a sounding board and square off to remind me there are other options. I speak with a lot of strength and I can often come off sounding like my way is the only way, even if I don’t necessarily believe its the only way. It’s just the way I am wired. I am commanding. I see a direction I believe is the way to go and I begin rounding up support and leading down that road, and people follow me.

I am an instigator.

When someone says “no, it can’t be done” or “that’s too difficult or too expensive or too complex” I feel energized. It’s like I’ve been given a luscious dark chocolate candy and glass of jammy Cabernet, it tastes good and I begin to savor the layers and possibilities. My mind starts thinking and the dreaming of how to make the impossible possible happens.

I find myself wondering these days about how to instigate a movement of women compelled to care so deeply that they are willing to unify and sacrifice for the sake of their sisters.

I want to speak and lead in ways that leave those who have encountered whatever my hands are touching changed and bothered by injustice in all its many forms.

There are opportunities all around us to make a difference and I fear that we may read, tweet, Instagram and Facebook about them but not actually do the hard work of caring.

A lot of injustice has happened in the past couple weeks in the United States.

-Charlottesville a shocking and deeply rattling reality check about the truth of white supremacy being alive and well.

-Houston and the unbelievable devastation that continues to unfold before our eyes.

-The Nashville Statement from the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood being felt by the LGBTQ community as another painful reminder that they are the object of religious law keeping requiring that articles be drafted and signed.

We have traumatized and marginalized people in need of our attention and care in both simple and profound ways.

And I haven’t even started on the needs across the oceans in other parts of the world.

What will you do today? What will you sacrifice to make a difference? It has to start with something. As a Texan with friends in Houston I feel compelled to address the need there immediately. While there are many ways you can give available online I was tearful as I listened to Brene Brown ask for donations for underwear.

She speaks that the need is about human dignity and I simply can’t get beyond the truth of her words.

So skip your Starbucks today or whatever other convenient thing you spend your money on and give as generously as you can to ensure someone’s dignity please.

And join me in dreaming about how we can actually unify to begin fighting the daily injustices that are simply waiting for us notice them and do something, here and abroad.

DSC_0512Tracy Johnson is a lover of stories and a reluctant dreamer, living by faith that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when dreams come true there is a life and joy” (Pro. 13:12).  She is the Founder of Red Tent Living.  Married for 30 years, she is mother to five kids.  After a half century of life, she’s feeling like she may know who she is.  She writes about her life and her work here.