12 hours for a Student

7am Allison Johnson, 2014
7 am
Allison Johnson, 2014

8 am Allison Johnson, 2014
8 am
Allison Johnson, 2014
9 am Allison Johnson, 2014
9 am
Allison Johnson, 2014
10 am Allison Johnson, 2014
10 am
Allison Johnson, 2014
11 am Allison Johnson, 2014
11 am
Allison Johnson, 2014
noon Allison Johnson, 2014
Allison Johnson, 2014
1 pm Allison Johnson, 2014
1 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014
2 pm Allison Johnson, 2014
2 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014
3 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014
4 pm Allison Johnson, 2014
4 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014
5 pm Allison Johnson, 2014
5 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014
6 pm Allison Johnson, 2014
6 pm
Allison Johnson, 2014

2012-08-05 04.35.49_2nbsp
Allison Johnson resides in downtown Chicago and has just entered her last year of college at Moody Bible Institute, where she studies youth ministry. She finds beauty in simplicity and spontaneity, and in the midst of living her life in all of the messiness of being 22. She laughs loudly, dances frequently, and creates art through any and every medium. Her heart is set on living passionate adventures, filled with glorious people and places.