Bethany’s Thanksgiving Playlist 2017

As we approach the holiday season, I love the invitation that Thanksgiving brings to be present and remember. Remember this year. Remember the stories that made you more of who you are. Remember the people who shaped you and the ones who you’ve shaped. Remember the places where you found belonging and acceptance along with the places you realized you never belonged.

This year holds change and growth. Death and new life. Days filled with both laughter and tears for the stories that were hard as well as the ones that were so very good.

As we prepare our hearts and our bodies for the weeks that lie ahead may we remember with gratitude the privilege we have to live our gloriously messy and beautiful lives.

Thanksgiving, while very personal is also communal.

By taking the time to look back with gratitude we find the ability to breed joy.

Joy in the midst of our challenges.

Gratitude. Giving thanks. Thanksgiving can always be found. Always.

In keeping with tradition, I am honored to share with you my playlist for Thanksgiving. Each year the music has some common threads and yet it is unique as it reflects the places where my heart has been during the year.  This year includes a couple of songs which have been particularly meaningful to my family as well. I invite you to enjoy this playlist of mine and hope that you too will sit for a while to create the list of gratitude that reflects your heart this Thanksgiving.

Bethany’s Thanksgiving Playlist on Spotify.


DSC_0533Bethany Cabell is recently returned to her home state of Texas after residing for six years in Michigan with her husband and their two young boys.  A lover of beauty, she lives life chasing after wide-open spaces: sharing her heart with others, in relationship with Jesus, and through music and photography. She tells her story here. &
